How can I search the timeline?
Available on iOS devices only, and using Apple's image recognition technology BackThen is able identify up to 1,400 different objects or themes in your photos and allow you to search for them quickly - a very useful feature if you are looking for a specific photo but cannot remember exactly when it was taken.
To get started with search, tap the icon below:
From here you will see the filter menu, with the search bar at the top:
As soon as you tap this search bar you will be taken to a screen that makes search suggestions for you, based on three modes, Categories, Children and Dates:
Categories - these are common objects or themes that appear in your photos, for example beach or snow.
Children - these list the children that you can search for.
Dates - these list specific dates, seasons, years and landmarks (e.g. one year ago).
You can tap on any number of these (e.g. 'Lake' and 'Alice' will show all photos of Alice with a lake in them) or type your own search terms in the bar at the top.
IMPORTANT NOTE: all the image processing happens on-device and we don't use, or send your photos or data, to any 3rd parties. Your privacy is central to everything we do and build.
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